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Friday, April 30, 2010
science trip damn fun ♥ 10:53 PM

hi hi hi hi hi so long no post le haha...i dun wan post those lame de i start from yesterday?

yesterday go school chinese den we need go le then wei lao shi like purposely wan drag till bell ring den find excuse say wat if i let u all go now still my period then if u fall down i must hold resposibility then go le then wait at general office then miss yeo use the dun know wat like gun de point at our head to check temperature then go bus then ken keep on music lol then reach le damn happy then go up a staircase to level 3 then the stairs got a lot of illusion de pic then got 1 damn obvious u look hor it will move de then reach le the 3rd level is all lab de then we go the erm fermi lab??? i forgot le then go in do experiment about gravity then got 1 is make triangle then is like go up hill de de make 2 cone stick together then need foll down hill but if roll down hill wont move if u manke it roll uphill u will move wanna know y? cuz the center of gravity of the 2 cone is is at the center means the sharp sharp there then as it moves uphill the centre of gravity is lower then if move downhill cannot cuz the center of gravity higher then ltr go mac eat alot of ppl in mac so we take away to outside side eat then me and ben sit on rock then we see the water fountain and eat then like so shuang.then eat le go around play then play alot got 1 is use coin de then let it roll then when wan reach roll le we keep catch then play le we go entrance wait miss yeo then see alot frens there then we go play the magic mirror cuz is quite close to the entrance mah so play lor then alot ppl oso play then after that still got time we go the shop(curiosity)buy sweets i put the pushpop or wat apple de and chocolate brand is dars then the sweet bian zou bian chi then go for another lesson make parachute then go test then out egg survive then the parachute nvr help de quite fast come down then all test le go back room then see the timing then i quite surprise my group de like damn fast come down but win some group sia then ltr when going back they give us a batch then go bus eat fries haha then go home that time at the roadsite waiting for cars to go first then i eat m chocolate mah then a bus go by then wind blow my chocolate fly~~~away!!!!! then go bak nth le so byeeeee~~~~~~


Friday, April 16, 2010
♥ 9:12 PM

yoyo sup sup miss my post haha jkjk ok lar since so long nvr post i post from last sunday?hehe i have to post alot days.

ok sunday was a happy day it was my dads bday yay lol then morn wake up then go gek poh eat breakfast then come bk chiong finish all hw then bathe then go tampanis safra cuz there got party for my cousin son for his 1 year old bday although his actual bday is 12 april. then go there eat then me and my cousin play the balloon then hit until other ppl alot time then keep laughing then my 2 bro nvr go so when go bak tell them meet at jp to celebrate then at first wan eat the crystal jade restaurant but alot ppl then we go eat fish and co. then i eat the kids meal mah then i nvr expect the drink abit nia kns then eat le go shopping awhile go home then sleep le cuz tired ok next day aiya mon to fri ur should know so i skip lor so now tday i wake up use com then eat lunch then post so bye


Tuesday, March 30, 2010
♥ 1:06 AM

haiz i nvr post or a long time liao hor?cuz so much hw no time use com so my post start from ytd?

morn wake up then go school then go mother tougue then go miss yeo class then go through hw then den dun know do wat then ss then go recess then come bk we see mdm sunita(dun know how spell)help her bring her hand bag in then i see miss yeo hold her back like pain like this then ltr tell us do work then suddenly she say i got a bad news to u all.then she say wat she got back pain then if she nvr recover by evening tmr wont come le.then say will tell relief teacher do wat then ltr we say miss koh then we say she will bring us to ava room but is cuz our class visualiser spoil then cannot use then the alson go say she give us free time play dun have lor he anyhow say de then teacher say oh so i will not call her to relief u all wth lor then ltr dismiss then go home then do tuition hw then go tuition then come bk eat dinner then do hw then watch tv then sleep liao lor ok next day coming up lol

tday as usual go school then at parade square i saw miss koh our relief teacher so happy then ltr go chinese class keep looking at the clock then in my mind say quickly end then end le i chiong out then wait for miss koh then i hear alot ppl say miss koh then i go see then everybody cheer then come in go through ws but not boring le very fun then go pe then recess then miss koh class again her class can joke de so good then ltr dimiss then go home bathe eat lunch play com awhile then post which is now so bies


Tuesday, March 16, 2010
♥ 8:49 PM

now in com lab buh bies


♥ 7:23 AM

yoyoyo sup man!lol so long no post le i got interesting post here go so i start from yesterday?

ok wake up watch tv then do something then go bathe eat lunch then go school from ccm so sian keep copy things and repeat things so sian lor then finally go home le then i come bk i do tuition hw then go tuition tuition not as sian as ccm then go bak eat dinner then i do hw and chat then watch tv then sleep le a boring day rite? ok next is tday yay!lol

ok wake up le then bathe then wait for afew minutes then go to school for supplymetary then super sian then me and ben go help teacher then ltr go gate 1 saw kenneth we waiting for yin shi so can go mac then very long then we go in canteen see she her friend walking to canteen then she run come then her friends walk then i suddenly see yan ling and clariss running with her then i say u goin mac?so extra lor we go pioneer mall de they oso follow then we say cross road already then run see our group first or their group then kenneth first then benjamin then yin shi then at first lose to clariss de then when reaching mac le i chiong then i push clariss then she scream haha then i go in door first then our whole group first leh actually need juz 1 from the group can le then i tell them bye bye go gek poh sorry forgot say we say which group reach first will eat at pioneer maal then we win they dun waN go gek poh then cannot be help lor so eat lor kenneth eat mc wing then i eat mc spicy yin shi eat mc spicy ben eat mc spicy then when order ben first mah then he beside me then i see him milo is up size de then i say ei u upsize arh then he say he upsize de i nvr say then go bak then eat lor then bejamin eat until so spicy lol oso not spicy de then him milo upsize mine not then i drink half only he already drink 3/4 le then my burger still eat faster then him then eat finish le then wash hand then go bak i keep stop coz i keep feeling wan vomit then got vomit a little then go bak le sit at canteen then nothing do so sian then go ccm then boring le then go bak house i at my voideck at benjamin talking mah then ltr i suddenly turn saw my mother sia then go home le bathe then use com le then chat le then eat dinner then play com then watch tv then use com then do something then post le which is now so buh bies


Friday, March 12, 2010
♥ 1:47 AM

hi,another boring day wake up go school me and ben at gallery dun fren alson then he know le act so sad then ltr go bak chinese class le he so happy playing with qi hui
then act so sad can go mediacorp le so good at acting then miss yeo go through ws so sian de everyday is go through hw and ws nia haiz then recess then ben buy nugget then i buy the curry chicken rice then when going bak to table we walking together then suddenly we 2 stop together then say together wah lao alson take the seat le then go sit other table then i eat very fast cuz alson snatch out table le cannot let him go to the catching first then we quickly eat then go out of canteen then suddenly see alson eat finish goin put bak plate then i say ei he eat finish le quick then we rush to catching then sbz catcher sean benjamin zheng yang then alson still come he wont ashame to come and see us arh then play le go bak class then go through ws then music then go through ws again then eat lunch then higher mother tougue then go home bathe then play com then play very long then go eat kinder bueno then post le which is now and 1 thing b4 i say bye i think alson dun need us he juz acting pitiful infront of us then when we not around him he playing with other ppl cuz i saw it and dun have fren le go snatch ppl fren k bye


Wednesday, March 10, 2010
so long~~ ♥ 10:45 PM

i so long nvr post le right? for alot days le so erm i juz start from tues can?cuz mon sun sat i forget wat i do le ok tues

go school read book le go chinese class then tteacher say abt ke wen den go bak own class then go recess buy food le eat le go play catching.recess over le go bak class teach again sianz lor then go home le reach home i eat lunch play com then night le then eat dinner then do hw do le i go play psp awhile then awhile i sleep le ok now wed

go school le read book go to chinese class and say abt ke wen then go bk class then recess then teacher then go home le reach home then eat lunch play com and do hw(tuition)then go tuition then go bak eat dinner then do hw(school)do le learn ting xie test me then all correct then play psp then sleep ok now tday

go school read book le go chinese then test ting xie then say ke wen again then go bak class le go through hw then go recess then go bak class go trough hw again then go bak home le eat lumnch watch tv then use com thn post which is now go bai bai^^and 1 thing i keep skip hor cuz i lazy mah somemore not sure abt it so skip lor bais